Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

Style Sheets is a very important feature in a Dynamic HTML. Although not a necessity in making the web, but the use of style sheets is an advantage. A style sheet is a place where you control and manage-style style there. Style sheets describe how the HTML document display on the screen. You can also call it as a template from HTML documents that use it. You can also make sepesial effects on your website using style sheets.

Theoretically you can use style sheets with HTML technology. However, in practice only Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) technology that support in almost all web browsers. Because CSS has been in setandartkan by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for use in a web browser.

Cascading Style Sheets is a technology used to beautify the look of the website pages (the site). In short by using this CSS Methode you easily change the color and overall appearance in your site, and reformat your site (changing rapidly). Clearly, with a little thought and use logic then you will get a satisfactory result. For those of you new in this field don't worry, because this tutorial is very basic, but at least have mastered the basics of HTML

Designing Menu (Vertical) with CSS

To design the menu with CSS we need a menu created with HTML. HTML tags are used to create a menu ul. Below is the HTML code from the menu that will be designed by the CSS.


Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

How to make your blog through chicklet software gimp?

following are the steps how to create a chicklet:

First, make sure the program GIMP is open and ready for use, then click the menu "File" - "New", in the "image size" which has been open, and enter the number in the width: height 78 pixels and 13 pixels, click OK.

Second, the larger image display with the button click to zoom 400%. location of the button is located on the bottom of the picture window.

Third, Click the Rectangle Select Tool, to make a selection on the image. Selection of your image area is approximately 3 / 4 part at the right.

Fourth, click the Fill Bucket Tool to fill the area of your previous selection with the color blue or the preferred color. To change the color, foreground color, please click on the GIMP toolbox and select the color you like.

Fifth, click the Text tool to create any posts for the blog title. For example, the blog has the name "Poponk Weblog", then make any posts "PW" on the white area and writing "Poponk Weblog" at the right that has been previously colored. Color any posts "PW" is red (or another preferred color) and color any posts "Poponk Weblog" is white.

Sixth, click the Filter menu, then highlight it and click Add Decor Border. Boder in the window that appears, type x 1 pixel to pixel and 1 for y. Color selection with the color adjust the preferred.

Seventh, steps terkahir, save work with the desired name by pressing the keys Ctrl + S. Next, please re-saved with the click menu File - Save As, in the window that appears, change the file extension. Xcf with. Jpg or. Gif or. Png. When the confirmation appears to store the file, click OK!
Under your sky
by : Opick

Under heaven all thy bow
Praise, glorify your asthma

And exalt
All beings are subject
Hope you love and love you

ILLAHI warm light in the heart
In the face of a million steps
full of errors
Get a life
Injured, throwing pitch, sin

Black and white way of life
Pahitnya color world
Laughter weeping heart
Hurt or happy

Pride while

Every grief is not eternal
All face a test in
In the GOD we will return

Under heaven all thy bow
Praise, glorify your asthma

And exalt
All beings are subject
Hope you love and love you

Jumat, 15 Mei 2009


Banner Posting Hari Bumi

Sekarang banyak kita lihat dimana - mana banyak sekali kampanye yang menyarakan kepedulian mereka kepada nasib bumi. Mulai dari sekedar membuat spanduk, menanam pohon, sampai aksi teaterikan untuk menyuarakan aspirasi mereka. Sepertinya momok global warming menjadi suatu ketakutan pada benak masyarakat dunia. Memang, sekarang sudah kita rasakan bahwa bumi makin panas. Banyak sekali hutan yang mulai gundul akibat ulah manusia sendiri. Apabila ini dibiarkan terus menerus, bisa kita bayangkan nanti akhirnya seperti apa. Bumi makin gersang, banyak tumbuhan yang mati, kekeringan dimana - mana, atau mungkin nantinya manusia akan punah.

Lalu seperti apa nasib bumi ini 20 tahun lagi? Coba kita pikirkan sekanrang, dan coba bayangkan. Coba kalau sampai saat itu ulah manusia tetap sama, merusak alam dan menjadikan bumi ini hanya sebagai tempat sampah, bukannya dijaga dengan baik. Mungkin saat itu kondisi
Surabaya sudah seperti gurun, kekeringan dimana - mana. Saya tidak ingin merasakan bumi yang seperti itu nanti. Saya hanya ingin manusia merubah ulahnya, seperti dengan mulai merawat kondisi bumi ini. Penghijauan semakin rajin digalakkan. Coba mengurangi penggunaan kendaraan bermotor. Gedung - gedung tinggi juga tidak makin rapat di kota ini. Pasti akan menjadi bumi yang baru, yang cantik, yang sangat ideal sebagai tempat tinggal kita semua.

20 tahun untuk merubah bumi menjadi lebih baik? Bukan mustahil apabila semua mau bekerja sama untuk melestarikannya. Walau tidak lantas menjadikan bumi ini cantik dengan sempurna, tapi untuk sebuah langkah awal perubahan, bukanlah mustahil. Malalui tuliusan ini, saya mengajak anda semua untuk menjadikan bumi ini lebih baik, realisasikan sebuah perubahan perubahan untuk bumi kita. Go Green Indonesia, Go Green Surabaya.

Sabtu, 24 Januari 2009

WE WILL NOT GO DOWN (Song for Gaza)

This song just for you
if you can watch

(Composed by Michael Heart)
Copyright 2009

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight