How to make your blog through chicklet software gimp?
following are the steps how to create a chicklet:First, make sure the program GIMP is open and ready for use, then click the menu "File" - "New", in the "image size" which has been open, and enter the number in the width: height 78 pixels and 13 pixels, click OK.
Second, the larger image display with the button click to zoom 400%. location of the button is located on the bottom of the picture window.
Third, Click the Rectangle Select Tool, to make a selection on the image. Selection of your image area is approximately 3 / 4 part at the right.
Fourth, click the Fill Bucket Tool to fill the area of your previous selection with the color blue or the preferred color. To change the color, foreground color, please click on the GIMP toolbox and select the color you like.
Fifth, click the Text tool to create any posts for the blog title. For example, the blog has the name "Poponk Weblog", then make any posts "PW" on the white area and writing "Poponk Weblog" at the right that has been previously colored. Color any posts "PW" is red (or another preferred color) and color any posts "Poponk Weblog" is white.
Sixth, click the Filter menu, then highlight it and click Add Decor Border. Boder in the window that appears, type x 1 pixel to pixel and 1 for y. Color selection with the color adjust the preferred.
Seventh, steps terkahir, save work with the desired name by pressing the keys Ctrl + S. Next, please re-saved with the click menu File - Save As, in the window that appears, change the file extension. Xcf with. Jpg or. Gif or. Png. When the confirmation appears to store the file, click OK!